Grant Awards (2007) - Cycle XVII & XVIII

Grant Awards in April & October 2007

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Principal Investigator Project Title/Link
1. Grant Awards in Cycle XVII & XVIII  
1.1 Conventional ROTRF Research Grants - Cycle XVII  
Dr Reza Abdi
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, USA
The Role of Donor Dendritic Cells in Promotion of Tolerance
Dr David M. Briscoe
Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, USA
The Role of the Vasculature in Transplant Rejection or Long-term Transplant Survival
Dr Donna L. Farber
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA
The Role of Memory T Cells in Transplant Rejection
Dr Franck Halary
Université de Nantes, Nantes, France
Study of Cytomegalovirus/dendritic Cells Interplays in Kidney Transplantation
Dr Angus W. Thomson
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA
Regulation of Immune Responses in the Liver and Following Liver Transplantation
1.2 Conventional ROTRF Research Grants - Cycle XVIII  
Dr Patrick Bertolino
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Understanding Unique Properties of Liver Transplants to Prolong the Survivalof All Other Organ Transplants
Dr Anita Chong
The University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
Bacterial Infections and Transplantation Tolerance
Dr Anatolij Horuzsko
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA
Improvement of Allograft Survival by Special Forms of HLA-G and Inhibitory Receptor
Dr Alain Le Moine
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium
Impact of IL-17 Producing T Cells on Long-term and Short-term Allograft Survival
Dr Johannes Lisman
University Medical Centre Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Do Blood Platelets Affect Quality of Organs to be Transplanted from a Brain-Dead Organ Donor?
Dr Joren C. Madsen
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA
How the Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems Interact to Prevent Long-term Allograft Survival
Dr Lorna Marson
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Lymph Vessels in Kidney Transplantation
1.3 Clinical ROTRF Research Grants - Cycle XVII  
Prof. John Andrew Kirby
University of Newcastle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
Examination of Bile Duct Changes after Liver Transplantation
Dr Richard S. Mangus
Indiana University, Indianapolis, USA
Use of Extended Criteria Donor Organs in Liver Transplantation
Dr Alberto Sanchez-Fueyo
Hospital Clinic Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Impact of Hepatitis C Virus Infection on the Acquisition of Tolerance after Liver Transplantation
1.4 Clinical ROTRF Research Grants - Cycle XVIII  
Dr Banu Sis
University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada
The Transcriptome of Antibody-mediated Rejection in Human Renal Allografts
Prof. Kathryn J. Wood
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Immune Regulation in Transplant Recipients with and without Skin Cancer
2. ROTRF/JDRF Joint Grant Awards - Cycle XVII & XVIII  
2.1 Conventional ROTRF/JDRF Joint Grant Awards - Cycle XVII  
Dr Jane H. Buckner
Benaroya Research Institute, Seattle, USA
Induction of Minor Histocompatibility Specific T Regulatory Cells as a Therapy of Transplant Rejection
2.2 Conventional ROTRF/JDRF Joint Grant Awards - Cycle XVIII  
Dr Megan Levings
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Using Cells to Prevent the Rejection of Transplanted Organs
Dr Jon Odorico
University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Immune Responses to Human Pancreatic Progenitor Cells
2.3 Clinical ROTRF/JDRF Joint Grant Awards - Cycle XVII  
Dr Mark Howard Siegelman
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA
Use of a Unique Marker to Identify Cells that can Control Transplant Rejection

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