Research Group

  • Dr Henrik Petrowsky, Principal Investigator
  • Prof. Pierre-Alain Clavien, Co-Investigator
  • Dr Wolfram Jochum, Research Associate
  • Dr Rolf Graf, Research Associate
  • Mr Udo Ungetuem, Technician


  • University Hospital Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland


  • Protective Mechanisms of Pentoxyfilline for Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation

The present project investigates the potential protective effects of pentoxyfilline for the remnant liver after major liver resection under inflow occlusion (=ischemia). The study analyses human serum and liver tissue samples in terms of TNF signalling. The biochemical profiling will be correlated with the postoperative liver function and regeneration. This study simulates to a certain extent the situation of living-related or split-liver transplantation where a partial graft is transplanted. Often, these grafts are too small, causing failure of regeneration and graft failure (small-for-size syndrome). If the experimental effects of pentoxyfilline are also observed in the setting of major liver resection, this finding might open the doors for a new pharmacological protective strategy to improve the outcome of living-related or split-liver transplantation and lower the risk for living donors.

Final Report